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A - Seated Leg Curl
89 x 14, 12, 10, 8

B - Leg Extension
136 x 12, 10
125 x 12

Lat Low Row
130 x 9, 6
120 x 8

T-Bar Machine
26 x 11+10, 9+8, 7+8

A - Cable Lateral
13.75 x 9, 7
11.25 x 12, 10

B - Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 9, 8, 7

Plate-Loaded Preacher
15/5/0 x 7
10/5/0 x 11

Calf Machine
23x12 + 21x9 + 19x8 + 17x8 + 15x10

Tib Raise
10 x 10, 6 + 7.5x8 + 5x12

35 x 10, 8

GHD Situp
BW x 14, 10
Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« Last post by LBSS on July 25, 2024, 10:57:20 pm »
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on July 25, 2024, 10:05:19 pm »

- run 57:43, 9.21 km


- run to gym

- climb x 75 mins
was trying a new orange route and got a cramp in my shoulder (!) from trying the second move. that's never happened before. i'm sure i can do that one, but i decided to move on for the day. did not make much progress on the other orange one i was trying the other day, but that's okay. tried a looong overhanging black one (next level up from orange) a couple of times as well. limiting factor for me there is endurance, influenced by my poor technique. so many different things to work on!

- run to grocery store
Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 25, 2024, 11:09:18 am »

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 25, 2024, 10:47:47 am »
Wednesday 24th July 2024

Plantaris tendons still achey,. Looks like 100kg singlke leg calf raise ISO holds are just too much for them right now.

Then my left knee, upper patella, quad tendon area started to hurt today!
Hurts just flexing the quad with a straight leg
Pretty sure it's not tendinopathy though, like last time.
I think it happened when I was cleaning and moving stuff around in my garage gym yesterday.

total rest day

Thursday 25th July 2024

Upper back still deep down achey from 4 days ago.... might need to dial things down
Plus my legs are still sore... belt squatting last session was not a good idea.
Plantaris tendons feeling better
Left knee still sore but better.

crap sleep last night

Felt like spring today at 23 C degrees, so back into shorts.
pretty heavy at 89+kg though

BBall, Jumps at outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 32, day 1

Bodyweight with shoes - 89.2kg in shoes

General warmup and limb swings
BBall overhead single arm plank against wall: x45 secs

Dribbling and ball control drills - 17 mins
Practice moves and shooting- 33 mins, medium effort

Tendon work superset

50% effort/speed x 2.5 rounds

. Pogo:  x30
. Scissor hops star pattern : 12 axis
. tempo run - full court
. Backward run - full court
. Carioca run - full court each side

plantris tendons minor aches on first round, but fine after

jumped up and hung on the 8 feet netball rims to stretch.
Let go and seemed to have strained my right calf muscle on landing somehow.... FML!

4/10 right calf pain on 3rd round, so had to cut it off there...

Jumps - in rotation with the plyos.

1) 3 jumps -  Light 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed  x 2 sets

Left knee felt OK, didn't push it though

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on July 25, 2024, 09:00:59 am »

BJJ 1 hour


Worked Americana submission from mount and some knee-elbow escapes. A bit of rolling at end of session.

Americana is exactly the position that hurts my left elbow, so that was timely. Told my training partner for the session and they were very considerate.

Getting the hang of the knee-elbow escape, was able to use it successfully a few times in the roll. Sparring partner for much of it was very fast. I'm just nowhere near up to speed on the like info-processing side of things, though I'm just that comes with time. Will try to build up frequency as I adapt a bit more! Doesn't feel like too much at all yet, even with 4xWeek lifting on top. Feel like I could probably do both 4xWeek without recovery lagging, though the issue would be time ofc.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on July 24, 2024, 03:40:36 pm »
Squat focus day 27:

Low bar squat:

120x1 (was explosive)
130x1 old age :ibsquatting: :personal-record:, heaviest squat in 8 years or so

Bench press:

55x7 (+1 rep vs last workout)

Leg extensions with pause at the top:


Bodyweight: 91.3 kg (-0.4 kg)
Sleep length&rating: 6h35m, 3/5
Exhaustion level: 9/10
Time of day/spent at gym: 21:20-22:16 / 56 min


Had a bad night sleep so I laid in bed for one hour, one hour before going to the gym. Workout turned out to be the best leg workout since I restarted training.

For one, the squats were explosive. Since I felt pretty good, I tried a 120x1 which was explosive. So I said "let me try a 130" and it was difficult but also explosive. 140 kg would be extremely difficult but not impossible. In fact, I was surprised at how light the 130 felt, but the squat form wasn't great, leg strength being a limiting factor.

Bench was sucky as usual, although I did get one additional rep.

Going to the gym at night apparently works better for me as I feel more "awake" vs going at 14-15 o'clock.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on July 24, 2024, 07:19:28 am »

Barbell Row
105 x 11, 10

+30 x 10, 9

Lat Prayer
25 x 9

Incline DB Fly
12.5 x 11

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 13, 11

Lying Extension
35 x 10, 8

Lying Lateral
10 x 14, 12

Side Bend
45 x 8, 7


Surprisingly not sore or particularly fatigued from yesterday. Ate like 5-600 calories more than normal and was still kind of hungry at bed time, and woke up 0.7kg lighter than normal today. Progress everywhere except dips, which makes sense since shoulders were used a lot in the warmup. Enjoy how well lifting has prepared me physically for BJJ, since I hear lots of reports of being people totally wrecked after rolling.

Elbow pain is bizarre. Didn't hinder me _at all_ this workout, only briefly felt it if I got in a weird groove doing the lying extensions. I did some light wrist curls, rev wrist curls, pronations, supinations, etc., and none of that hurt. The only movement that reliably is painful is lif there is resistance when doing the motion of a cable internal rotation

Will monitor, but glad and surprisedit didn't interfere with this workout. Sometimes can be like a random 8/10 pain during normal day-to-day activity, though.

Oh, moving curtsy lunges to Fri or Sat. Thursday BJJ with rekt glutes/hips was not so fun.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 24, 2024, 06:42:30 am »
Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Lower body moderately sore, more sore than upper body.
Abs very sore.
Plantaris tendons achey

Sold my 120kg adjustable spinlock dumbbell set. Just haven't used it in a while
So more heavy lifting, moving things.
Then cleaned and rearranged my garage gym a bit with the extra space freed up.

So posterior chain feeling hammered this week

Walking - 20 mins

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on July 23, 2024, 09:36:33 am »

BJJ - gi beginner class, 60mins, no-gi mixed class, 80 mins


The gi instructors are better than the no-gi guy. No-gi is very old-school eastern european, lacking warmth and making us do a like 25 mins exhausting warmup. What's the point of making us do duck walks the length of the gym and 40 pushups etc, esp given like 1/3 of the class did the previous class as well and so is already super warm. Oh well lol.

learned some sweeps from closed guard in the gi class and some half-guard passing using head as a tripod in the no-gi class. Sparring is fun even if i get owned in every round because i am new -- working hard to "survive" is a fun challenge.

did feel a weird left elbow sensation towards the end of the final round in the no-gi sparring section, and about an hour later there was some pain. blerg. doesn't feel major, though, so let's see.
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