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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« Last post by Kingfish on May 12, 2024, 10:58:40 am »
May 12-18, 2024

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 3 of 5 BW 198-202

Sun May 12

6:30 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 70-70 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 80-80 x5

3:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100-135 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 80-80 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 80-80 x5

Mon May 13

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90-90 x5, 125x3
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 70-70 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

6:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-475
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 80 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 80 x5

Tue May 14

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455, 295x5
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 70-70 x5 REST
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 20-30-30 x5, 40x2
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80 x5, 95x4

* most likely skip the afternoon workout later because of work schedule. feel pretty strong this morning even with a 475 top set last night. added 295x5 as backoff volume and will try to build mass slowly again. bw steady at 200-204lb.

6:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455, 295x5
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125x5 SKIP
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 70-70 x5 SKIP
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80 x5, 95x4 SKIP

* found time to go to gym but was very busy so did not have enough time to go thru my routine.

Wed May 15

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 20-30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

* legs feel very coordinated from the 295x5s. will lift 455+ later.

7:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5 SKIP
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125 x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 20-30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5
Thur May 16

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30 x5, 40x3
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

7:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125x5 SKIP
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30 x5, 40x2
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

Fri May 17

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125-125 x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

7:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125x5 SKIP
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

Sat May 18

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125-125 x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 125-125x5
Tricep Push Down Rope - One Arm ~ 40 max 30-30 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 95 max 80x5

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on May 12, 2024, 09:13:00 am »

- run 29:51, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 2 hours
- grip board/campus board holds x a few x 5-10s
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 14,14

- run 31:00, 4.76 km

sore this morning, definitely going to benefit from the additional upper body/grip work
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 12, 2024, 07:58:13 am »
Sunday 12th May 2024

Fatloss cycle 1 - Week 5

Height = 5'8.5"
Weighed = 89.6kg (+2.7 )    Macrofactor app trend weight - 87.8kg (+0.2)
Waist = 35 1/8 inches (-0.25)
Hip = 41.5 (+1/8) 
Upper thigh = 26 3/8 (+0.25) 

Total loss so far - weight  +0.9kg  Waist -1.25 inch 

All that water weight increase from adding in carbs...
Whole body has blown up as well.

Animal based diet - averaged 2623 calories for the week - 219g protein, 157g fat, 77g carbs

Changed up diet 2 days ago, so numbers no accurately reflecting changes yet
Calories are higher, so if fat/waist loss holds steady then my TDEE has increased from diet change.
Mainly carbs boosting thyroid and hormones back up

Did notice slightly better energy and mood from diet change today
And more stable blood sugar.
Blood sugar tends to start dropping low around this session time on carnivore
And I sometimes get blood sugar drops after I start eating, none so far since diet change.

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 23, day 1

Bodyweight with shoes, semi winter clothing - 90.9kg

Internal foot rotation, seated bent knee ISO: 4x33 secs
Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 2x33 secs
Sartorius seated leg curl, feet pushed together ISO: st 70% effort - 2x33secs
External foot rotation ISO against floor: 2x45secs
Wall sit, single leg. heels off the floor : pushing into wall at 70% 1/4 squat - 2x33secs
BBall overhead single arm plank against wall: 2x45secs

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Practice moves - 35 mins, medium effort

Dunks - 8 feet netball rim, standing 1 and 2 handed dunks x10
Box Jumps: - 18 inch bench - landing with straight legs - 4x3

legs achey and dead feeling

Sit in bottom of full squat: 3 mins - 1.5 mins narrow heels off the ground, 1.5 mins wide relaxed

rotating sets - 2 mins rest between each exercise

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x5 slow, paused

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x6,
regular - BW x6

Myorep. "+" = 30 secs rest
BW x17↓ @8 +5+4+4+4+4+4

Straight bar dips: - on Oly bar - BW x10 leg supported, BW x5

Myorep. "+" = 30 secs rest
BW x20↓ @8 +5+4+4+4+4+4

Same numbers as inverted rows, but felt much harder

Backward walk - 1 minute x 3 sets

Back at home

Bulgarian split squat: - arm supported, front foot elevated 2 inches
Slow - BW 2x10

External rotation, lying on back - dumbbell
3.5kg 3x10 @8

Subscapularis rotations, lying on back: - dumbbell
5kg x10 @6
7.5kg 2x15 @7
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on May 12, 2024, 07:10:15 am »

BW - 71.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-22.5 x 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

A - DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8, 7, 6

B - DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 9+6, 6+5
20 x 7+6, 5+5


Going to reduce other back work in favour of more volume on OAC stuff for the next few weeks.
Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 11, 2024, 07:44:54 am »
5'11" 200+lbs

11 feet 2 hand grab

standing dunks and jumps

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 11, 2024, 06:55:37 am »
Friday 10th May 2024

Fairly sore all over

Ate more carbs at night - fruit and honey, and my hunger was triggered severly!

complete rest day - didn't feel like doing anything

Saturday 11th May 2024

Lower body and posterior chain still achey and bruised feeling, but upper body is OK

Just ravenous today.
All I did was add some carbs onto my normal carnivore meals which keep me full for 8-12 hours, and I was hungry within 2 hours.
Guess my body is just crying for nutrients after 11+ months of low carbs (6+ keto, 5 carnivore).
And without ketosis masking my true hunger.

Smashed out 3500 calories - 226g protein, 212g fat, 182g carbs - and might eat even more before the day is over...
Recently has been around 1800-2800 calories

I'll be using the lower end of these macros for a test -

I don't like this lazy lethargic feeling, even though all the carbs are from apples, honey, avocado and cucumbers.
But I need the insulin spikes for the kidney, as I was no longer holding onto electrolytes after 5 months of ketosis on Carnivore.
Which caused all kinds of dry mouth and thirst, despite downing lots of salt/potassium/magnesium solutions

Poops have gone from once every 2-3 days, small one, to twice a day, and bigger ones already!  :o

And bodyweight has spiked up from the glycogen...
It should help my strength and muscle gain a bit

I'll try and keep things as before, and move all the carbs till post training and later in the day

Peroneal/sartorius external foot rotation ISO against floor/step: 3x33 secs
Popliteus seated Internal foot rotation ISO against opposite foot 4x33 secs

Sartorius seated bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg - 2x33 secs
Sartorius seated leg curl feet push together ISO: 2x33 secs

Reverse curl ISO against opposite arm 4x33secs

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on May 10, 2024, 07:14:20 am »

BW - 72

A - Deficit RDL
125 x 6, 6, 6

B - DB Incline
30 x 12, 11, 10

A - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 7, 6, 5 + BW x 8

B - DB Flye
15 x 10, 9, 8

A - Lying Lateral
10 x 6, 5
7.5 x 12, 11

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 18, 16, 14, 12

C - Finger Curl
22.5 x  7+4, 6+4
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on May 10, 2024, 03:44:33 am »
9 May

FLAT DB PRESS : 4x10 @ 20 kg  each hand
LAT PULL DOWN : 4x10 @ 71kg
LATERAL DB RAISE : 4x10 @ 12.5kg each hand
EZ BAR CURL : 3x12 @ 35 kg
ROPE PUSHDOWN :  3x12 @ 23kg

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on May 09, 2024, 06:56:07 pm »
- run 54:04, 9.77 km
little discomfort in left knee and right big toe. the toe pain makes sense, although it's the first time in a while i've tweaked that one. not sure what the knee is about. seems fine now. warm but not hot today, took it easy.
Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: 5'7" Chinese with insane hops and relative strength
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 09, 2024, 02:24:26 pm »
Self lob off the dribble east bay is unreal for his height  :o

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