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Messages - seifullaah73

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LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Force Vector Test/ SVJ
« on: April 24, 2012, 02:58:25 pm »
Without shoes and jumping keeping hands at the side i landed mostly about 3 inches infront and one time i landed on the spot.
then i did it with intention of reaching high when jumping so jumping with one arm stretched up high i landed about 4-6 inches in front.

So what does the results mean.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Force Vector Test/ SVJ
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:34:39 am »
I'm Interested, it might help as a sprinter.

So Prof Lance  ;D  A Question

Is the Tape placed sideways and i should be facing perpendicular to the tape or in the same direction as the tape.

e.g. Tape> ------------------
          Face Up /\ on tape
          or face   > on tape


Boxing / Re: good performance by marquez
« on: April 18, 2012, 01:49:55 pm »
Yeah, because of his inability to deliver a ko now, but if he improved his speed and accuracy and power he would probably be on his way to match them.

Boxing / Rios vs Abril, what happened??
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:34:17 pm »
Rios vs Abril, Not knowing either one of them. Only hearing that brandon rios and marquez were fighting in the same ppv and that if they both win their match they would fight each other.

So from this i had some good thoughts on rios must be that good to get a chance to face marquez.

so i decided to watch rios vs abril.

i was rooting for rios obviously to beat up abril, but all i could see was abril giving him some body shots and face shots while rios just absorbed them or tried for some shots, which either fell short or had not much of an impact.

so i knew abril had won, that maybe abril would face marquez. My view on rios a sluggish, slow, fighter nothing good.

but once i heard the first score card, fair to abril, but the other two to rios  :o >:(.

That just took the biscuit. something smelt fish more acurately i feel arum had a hand in this as he was expecting good from rios, so his fighter can take on marquez.

but a terrible decision and if he gets in the ring, he will be ko'd by marquez, i hope.

Boxing / good performance by marquez
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:10:14 pm »
His fight against sergei fedchenko turned out good especially for the mexican fans because he hasn't been fighting in Mexico since 1996 i think.

He has everything in terms of a good boxer that makes him undefeatable except for somethings which he does not have.

for instance he finds it difficult to deliver a ko performance or a tko, he has the combo but if he had upped his speed and accuracy he would be on his way.

but at the age of 38 he fights very well.


I decided to time myself again on a proper 60m as the other one was a bit longer.

My time for 60m was 8.66s

I guess its not bad

Yeah, its kinda confusing how he is able to run faster than his first 20m during the last 20m of his race if he loses 25% of his speed during deceleration phase.

But i can understand if it is faster as that is the part where you start the race from an initial velocity of 0 and then start increasing but won't reach a high speed until about 30m into the race. But how is he able to run faster in the last 20m then his 40-60m.

never mind.

we'll just do what other scientist do, there must be a factor that is helping that is genetics. we don't know how it just does.

Here is an article i found on the internet, which is quite interesting.

As promised, as soon as the results and split times from Bolt's unbelievable 9.58s performance were available, we'd be analysing them

Turns out they became available rather quickly (not 9.58s kind of quick, but quick nevertheless). So here is the analysis of Bolt's race.

All the splits

First of all, here is the table published by the IAAF this morning, containing all the splits and times for 20m intervals, for both the semi-final and final:

The Rest of the article can be found here:

I know a lot of people say that Usain bolt when he reaches top speed he decelerates slower than the rest but the problem with that lies in the split he attained.

if we look at the split times for usain bolt.

20m = 2.89s so he is still accelerating acceleration = 6.92m/s^2
40m = 4.64s still he has not reached top speed because if he had then his max acceleration would be less than 10m/s^2 = 8.6m/s^2
60m = 6.31s still 9.51m/s^2
80m = 7.92s now he has reached max velocity with an acceleration of =10.10m/s^2
100m = 9.58s = 10.43 m/s^2

You can see how is possible for him to maintain his speed when it can clearly be seen that he is able to accelerate pass 60m when he is upright when he reaches 80m this is evident in the video of the race.

Overall looking at the split times he was able to accelerate in upright position as he was able to achieve 80m in less than 8 s but 60m over 6s.

Its a conspiracy against me, the person who timed me is behind it.
Jealousy it must be.

Yeah maybe i was a bit off.


Well i was not able to get sub 7 i got 10.69s. oh well never mind this is why i hate stop watches they always show what you don't want to see.

Tomorrow is a big day, getting my 60m timed officially with a stop watch. This will tell me whether i should continue or move on to a next workout.

I am aiming for sub 7, 6. anything.

Boxing / Re: Errric El Terrrible Morrrallees
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:31:30 pm »
It might have been the lay off after the loss to pacquiao that has made him like that, because he is not that old but the lay off has added weight and made him slower and if he had continued he might have a lot in him. I think he still has the ability to become again if he put in effort to lose the excess fat and train his speed.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Got it?.. keep it to yourself.
« on: March 31, 2012, 02:58:51 pm »
Bert and Ernie

I thought it was. Didn't think they would be included in the popular animated shows.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Got it?.. keep it to yourself.
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:22:41 am »
whats the last 2 on the right side. the one with the yellow black stripe is that pop eye and the one above i have no clue.

That is sick. Then it means they must decreasing speed a whole lot faster than he is. in order for it to look as if he is accelerating.

im hoping to get my 60m timed by end of next week to see if i should continue for the next month to reach my goal.

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