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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: June 01, 2024, 04:41:40 pm »
many many many studies have shown that eating vegetables has positive effects on health. to cite just one meta-analysis, which found not just statistically significant but practically meaningful (25-30%) reductions in the risk of stroke and esophageal cancer when people go from 0-~300g of veggies per day:

or, for a lay breakdown: (obviously, these myths have been around longer than tiktok. my in-laws, who don't know what tiktok is and who fight about everything else, are both dead-set against beans because of lectins. but it's a little like being against chicken because you can get salmonella from it when it's raw or undercooked. no one eats raw beans!)

- run 30:57, 5.54 km

- bouldering x 90 mins
the gym uses a color-coded grading system, where each color overlaps with the ones above and below it. idea is that yellow is vb (beginner, very easy), red is v0-v2, green is v1-v3, etc. i've gotten to the point where i can do greens and most purples (v2-v4) on the first try, and have been getting some oranges (v3-v5) but it takes a bit and isn't always pretty. made progress today on two black routes (v4-v6) but didn't manage to complete either. will pick them up again next time. in both cases it's because there's a kind of move and body position that i just have never done before and am pushing the edge of my range of motion to do.

my approach now is to do some mobilizations and then repeatedly climb a bunch of yellows an reds before starting in on something harder, skipping over greens because they're easy enough to do first time but still can be a little tiring.

- circuit x 2
-- push up x 20
-- TTB x 5
push ups are good for post-climb because they stretch my wrists out

- shrimp squat x 5/side
- front scales x 5/side
- back scales x 5/side

- run 26:44, 4.51 km

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:54:11 am »
i mean just make sure you have them, yeah.

- run 26:50, 4.78 km

- bouldering x 90 mins
crowded, it's really better to go in the morning. made it hard to concentrate.

- run 28:25, 4.71 km

- stretch x a bit

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: May 30, 2024, 04:04:32 pm »
different people respond differently to different diets. you gotta just try stuff out and see what works best for you. for example, my father-in-law started IF'ing and had absolutely no trouble adjusting. he loves it. i tried it once ages ago after discovering that weird swedish bodybuilder on lyle mcdonald's old forum, martin something. hated it, i need breakfast.

calories in, calories out is the core, and you have to get vegetables and fruit and enough protein. everything else can vary, or doesn't matter.


- run 37:40, 6.50 km

- warm up
jumped rope for the first time in forever. it is a bit like riding a bike, and like riding a bike there's some specific fitness to it.

- bouldering x 2 hours
elbow felt fine, wrist even loosened up a bit. i got a bit gassed trying to get one longish route and then switched to working on a slabby thing for a while that i couldn't even start last time, since grip doesn't matter at all. neeeearly got it, if i were an inch taller i'd have had it. ran out of patience but i will get it next time if it kills me.


- run 29:10, 4.71 km

- bouldering x 2 hours

- pull ups x 7,7
- push ups x 20
- fingerboard hangs 10s x 5

- run 13:07, 2.06 km


- run 29:28, 5.40 km

- run 32:22, 5.41 km
to and from parents' house for lunch. hot, deliberately slowed down to keep HR down.

- run 43:15, 8.00 km
warm and humid, makes it so much harder.

legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:

not that you asked, but since this is something i struggled with in my 20s, couple suggestions. (NB: my thighs are not as big around as they were 8-10 years ago but they're still pretty big relative to my waist, and my calves are muscular enough that strangers comment on them when i am out and about and wearing shorts. so still in the "hard to find jeans that fit" club.)
  • size up to get the thigh/calf fit you need and find a tailor who can take in the waist. you're limited with jeans by the fact that the butt pockets are external, so if you take the waist in too much they tilt toward each other and look stupid. but even taking an inch or 1.5" off the waist can help you not feel like you're a cartoon character wearing a barrel.
  • gustin straight fit is actually pretty roomy in the thighs, i've found their jeans to be comfy and pretty good quality. and some of their fabrics have a little spandex, which helps even if you're not wearing the jeans very tight. they use a campaign model so sometimes you have to wait a bit for the jeans you want. actually just backed a campaign on there for a pair of light-colored jeans, since i don't have any at the moment.
  • if you want to spend a little more for a bit better quality, naked & famous (canadian brand that sells through a website called tate and yoko, for some reason. what is up with brands calling themselves "x and y," by the way? especially in europe. there's a italian clothing brand called franklin and marshall, which is the name of a small, unremarkable liberal arts college in pennsylvania. what? anyway.) they're expensive but the "easy guy" fit is better than anything else i've tried on, especially once i get the waist taken in a little.
i am resigned to destroying jeans in about three years of 4-5 days/week wear because my thighs rub together and eventually that just wears a hole. but with both gustin and naked and famous, while they last they're comfortable and look good.


- run 52:40, 8.08 km
planned to do longer but wife was having a rough day so i ended up finishing with her instead of continuing on to do a longer run as planned. rainy.


- run 30:46, 4.82 km
had to pee so bad.

- bouldering x 2 hours

- strength (loose) circuit
- fingerboard hangs 5-7s x 6-7 sets
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 20
gotta start somewhere

- hike x ~90 mins
met up with a friend for a walk along trails in rock creek park. gorgeous day, 70 and sunny.

- run 24:56, 4.73 km

- warm up
- bouldering x 30 mins

work call

- bouldering x 15 mins
wife wanted some help with a couple routes so we figured them out together. elbow feels okay, but overall my wrists are so tight. we both need to invest some time in dynamic mobility.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:35:05 am »
weak and bored happens to me sometimes, too. good on you for still finishing the workout, even if it sucked.

- intensive tempo
-- warm up
-- 400m x 3 @ 5k pace (1:33, 1:35, 1:33) + 400m hard (1:14); 100m walking rest
-- 300m walking rest
-- 400m x1 @ 5k pace (1:35) + 400m hard (1:16); 100m walking rest
-- cool down
abbreviated version of the workout the running club i'm on the listserv did early this morning. didn't have a lot of time, but i liked this. also, used the lap button on watch and ran the intervals mostly by feel. worked pretty well.

left elbow feels completely fine, so i think i'll try to climb again tomorrow morning. will do a LOT of warming up and take it easy.

- run 25:38, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 30 mins
left elbow lightly strained. i felt it a little toward the end of the last session but it was okay in the meantime. but this morning i started feeling it a little more and so i cut myself off early. will do some research about elbow rehab and prehab and then start a little self-administered PT, and also take a break from climbing for a bit. bummer but better to stop now than after it gets really hurt.

- run 26:27, 4.75 km

ran to and from gym, before work. wife biked and met me there. let's see if we can start going semi-regularly in the morning, it's much less crowded. plus i've always liked getting workouts done in the beginning of the day, and it's about to start getting hot.

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