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Topics - maxent

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Article & Video Discussion / Squats Part 1: Fold-Ability and Proportions
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:03:38 pm »
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Hear me out. I've decided to make a last ditch push for a windmill by xmas before I hang up my hoop dreams, accept the passing of youth and embrace being an older man.

Theres a lot of talk about plyometrics when it comes to dunking but no one ever talks about the upper body. I think even if i somehow get my ducks in a row and am able to jump high enough to legitmately attempt a windmill, i'll not actually be able to, owing to a lack of explosive upper body. Hard to explain but bringing the ball around quickly in the short time you're in the air is not something I can take for granted and actually needs to be trained. Not that im in any danger of jumping the 36 odd inches i'd need for a windmill any time soon.. but suppose i will keep working towards that end, what can I do to make sure my upper body also improves over time so that when the time comes that I can jump high enough, im also able to land some nice dunks.

i dont have any special attachment to a windmill, it just seems like one of the hardest dunks one can do, so that's why i'm referring to it. I also like that dunk where you have your back to the rim and you bring the ball down low between the legs before finishing the dunk - not sure what it's called, but again i'd like to have enough upper body explosive whatever to successfully complete that dunk in the fraction of a second i am in the air.

Thank you for your thoughts and to scooby for inspiration for thinking about adding mad inches to my lying plyo pushups.

Pics, Videos, & Links / The Science of the Friend Zone
« on: August 09, 2015, 11:42:41 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

In warmups pause your middle rep and let the bar sink you fully into deep position. So for example I do 6x60kg and 3x100kg - i'll pause reps 3 and 4 on the 60kg set and rep 2 on the 100kg rep. When you pause the middle rep(s) you'll find the subsequent reps to be of a fuller depth. I discovered this for myself again recently and it's worth sharing with others.

If you try it out, please leave feedback or videos. I might post mine too later.

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