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Messages - LBSS

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- run 52:40, 8.08 km
planned to do longer but wife was having a rough day so i ended up finishing with her instead of continuing on to do a longer run as planned. rainy.


- run 30:46, 4.82 km
had to pee so bad.

- bouldering x 2 hours

- strength (loose) circuit
- fingerboard hangs 5-7s x 6-7 sets
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 20
gotta start somewhere

- hike x ~90 mins
met up with a friend for a walk along trails in rock creek park. gorgeous day, 70 and sunny.

- run 24:56, 4.73 km

- warm up
- bouldering x 30 mins

work call

- bouldering x 15 mins
wife wanted some help with a couple routes so we figured them out together. elbow feels okay, but overall my wrists are so tight. we both need to invest some time in dynamic mobility.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:35:05 am »
weak and bored happens to me sometimes, too. good on you for still finishing the workout, even if it sucked.

- intensive tempo
-- warm up
-- 400m x 3 @ 5k pace (1:33, 1:35, 1:33) + 400m hard (1:14); 100m walking rest
-- 300m walking rest
-- 400m x1 @ 5k pace (1:35) + 400m hard (1:16); 100m walking rest
-- cool down
abbreviated version of the workout the running club i'm on the listserv did early this morning. didn't have a lot of time, but i liked this. also, used the lap button on watch and ran the intervals mostly by feel. worked pretty well.

left elbow feels completely fine, so i think i'll try to climb again tomorrow morning. will do a LOT of warming up and take it easy.

- run 25:38, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 30 mins
left elbow lightly strained. i felt it a little toward the end of the last session but it was okay in the meantime. but this morning i started feeling it a little more and so i cut myself off early. will do some research about elbow rehab and prehab and then start a little self-administered PT, and also take a break from climbing for a bit. bummer but better to stop now than after it gets really hurt.

- run 26:27, 4.75 km

ran to and from gym, before work. wife biked and met me there. let's see if we can start going semi-regularly in the morning, it's much less crowded. plus i've always liked getting workouts done in the beginning of the day, and it's about to start getting hot.

i think that makes sense! sounds like you got very lean anyway - not many people have a visible six pack under any lighting - so it was a success even if you didn't quite make your arbitrary weight goal.

- run 54:03, 8.15 km
wife exhausted from stress and lack of sleep, this was extra slow.


- run 29:51, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 2 hours
- grip board/campus board holds x a few x 5-10s
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 14,14

- run 31:00, 4.76 km

sore this morning, definitely going to benefit from the additional upper body/grip work

- run 54:04, 9.77 km
little discomfort in left knee and right big toe. the toe pain makes sense, although it's the first time in a while i've tweaked that one. not sure what the knee is about. seems fine now. warm but not hot today, took it easy.

went to NC over the weekend for a family reunion.


- run 30:44, 4.81 km


- run 30:56, 4.82 km

- bouldering x two hours

super deep!

- run 36:55, 6.50 km
rear right leg is tight, especially hamstring. humid and warm verging on hot. a little preview of summer.

yeah that's the idea! well really, to translate it into more technical mountaineering and other outdoor exploring. we started going because my wife realized lack of upper body strength was hindering her on a couple of our recent climbs. if there were a full-scale climbing gym closer to us we'd have joined one but the big ones, with lead climbing, are out in the burbs. so bouldering it is, plus at some point we'll go take a couple classes on belaying and general rope use at the big gyms.

- run 30:47, 4.82
pad of left foot is a little tender. wore my extra cushioned shoes.

- bouldering x 90 mins
getting a little better. tweaked my right elbow a little


- run 38;15, 6.40 km
last little leg stretch before sunday's race


- bouldering x ~90 mins
fun, my hands are gonna hurt for a while until they adapt to this new activity. looking forward to that, though. i've always found working on grip strength very boring but i know how important it is.


- 10 mile race
-- warm up
-- 10 miles in 1:10:39 (watch), 1:11:02 (chip), 1:11:16 (gun)
very pleased. hit goal on watch although just missed it on the official time. more importantly, i ran a negative split (36:03, 34:59 official) and never red-lined. even had enough juice at the end to speed up for the last 100m or so and pass a guy i'd been trailing for the previous two miles. that means i'm learning and getting better at managing a race.

finished 172nd out of 3431 total finishers, which is also a slight improvement from my half marathons in terms of percentile placement. now if i could only get my training more consistent, i could really improve!

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