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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3660 on: April 19, 2017, 10:53:18 pm »
Haha, theres just too many different options, i can never risk trying something different that might not be as good as one of my favs. Would like to try the coles ones though. The Harry's option was actually okay, i had it tonight. I dont think it displaces Connoisseurs but it can do the job. The only thing which turned me of was reading the ingredients list and it mention some glucose syrup (corn), eh, why not just real food man. smh.

It's definitely a slippery slope. I'm amazed I managed to avoid buying any talking about it this much.

A lot of Aus foods have largely avoided the corn syrup in the past but I've noticed it more and more which is just shocking.

I think my initial plan of cold turkey is still the most likely to succeed. The whole moderation thing will never happen. Last night I took 4 5-htp capsules to curb my cravings to finish off the rest of the icecream supply. Better not have any around i think :/ 5htp did the trick tho, didnt crave anymore. Phew. I worked so hard to get kinda leanish, i can undo it is so easily with a few days of prolonged binging ...

on that note, i may go read the ingredients list of the Conneiseur choc brownie, if it's unnnatural enough, that will convince me to stay away. hopefully..

Possible mitigation strategies

1. increase training volume
2. start doing loads of cardio
3. stop

I think you're spot on with just stop being the easiest to maintain. I did that with sugar and alcohol and lost fat so easily it wasn't funny. Went back on them for a few weeks and back at square one.

Also, just think, if you stop and increase your training volume and cardio. Hello shredville!
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3661 on: April 20, 2017, 01:20:04 am »
Yep, have to make the task as easy as possible. Testing my willpower constantly is not a good way to tip things in my favour. Success can happen, it just becomes less and less unlikely. I'm better off being 100% strict and clean than trying to balance conflicting goals. But this is only temporary, when im done cutting (WHEN??) I wont have to deal with this shit b/c I wont even crave this stuff anymore. Will start over on sunday. I think i have found that to be the best day to do it after volume saturday.

Thinking of switching my language over from C to Rust, mainly cos I started using a higher level language (Racket) for implementation because I was having trouble getting correctness leave alone grappling with the C induced issues of memory management etc. But having got it correct in Racket now I was gna go back to reimplement in C - just realised I'd miss closures, and looked into it and Rust has them so I can use them instead of trying to do without them in C. I'm just such a bad programmer that the right choice of language makes the difference between getting shit done and reasonably ok, and not ..
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 01:22:59 am by maxent »
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chasing athleticism (day #1/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3662 on: April 22, 2017, 05:30:20 am »
Bodyweight: 79kg
Activity: 9k
Nutrition: clean

So a bit of a background, this is effectively where I will start to eat and train like KF, day in day out discipline with an eye for long term gains. Roughly a calendar year til next Easter. Will do daily weighings and logging of activity, maybe even start charting it (not essential but i could do a graph in my sig.). I have a 36" vert to start (vid src/proof: @maxentr0py) but 42" is what I want by day 345.

BS 2x120(paused;=PR), 3x120(paused; PR), 2x120(paused), 3x3x120
Back Xtn 3x12x60(PR; 2x25kg+10kg vest)
Sprints 6x150m (PR; new ex)

Didnt squat at home, renovations rendered gym unavailable. Wasnt sure if id be able to do a decent workout at the gym cos they dont have a powercage and i am not confident squatting out of the rack. But, i did, and i got some decent sets in. I wanted a triple PR to start with and racked it at 2 cos of gym dickheads either side of me threw me off :/ Then did a triple the following set when I had a better vibe. And another paused double. Finished it with some unpaused sets. Then went to the courts to do some jumps, wasnt happening, came home.

Ok, fk it, im commiting to sprinting every workout. Hill sprints if I cant be fucked, submax otherwise and ME at least once a week.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 10:29:30 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3663 on: April 22, 2017, 10:39:21 am »
Can you just post that vid here? Don't have IG.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3664 on: April 22, 2017, 10:56:17 am »
Can you just post that vid here? Don't have IG.

cud do but then i gotta hide it after and it's just a hassle. arent we all on insta these days? i only started using it when i saw andrew, gukl, todday and coges use it. but will do.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3665 on: April 22, 2017, 11:13:57 am »
just post it as unlisted?
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chasing athleticism (day #2/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3666 on: April 22, 2017, 11:45:45 pm »
Bodyweight: 78.5kg
Activity: 13.3k (PR; oops)

Kinda sore in the posterior chain as expected... but i have to do upper body lifts then go down for some pickup. Wud rather rest but this is a social thing so ima do it.

BP 1x90
Bball pickup (pretty high level effort ..)
BP 3x5x80(LPR), 5x77.5
WCU 4x5x90 (ish; used +10kg vest so idk)

Did you guys see the vids then? I took it down before sleeping so idk if you did.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 12:41:34 pm by maxent »
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chasing athleticism (day #3/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3667 on: April 23, 2017, 08:22:04 pm »
Bodyweight: 79.1kg (lol)
Activity: 10.4K

Yesterday was one of those days which changes everything. Playing pickup with my mate was a game changer. He's 6'6" about 115kg and he blocked the shit out of me on a drive from behind, aka lebron james. I have work to do. Want to be a lean 85-90kg playing against him and holding my own. So um, if you had to add 40kg to your paused squat workset, how wud you do it? Asking for a friend.. haha.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 11:43:09 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism (day #3/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3668 on: April 24, 2017, 03:37:43 am »
So um, if you had to add 40kg to your paused squat workset, how wud you do it? Asking for a friend.. haha.

Easy answer:

And that is not playing smartass, kingfish has shown how extremely simple it is to do it. No rocket science at all.
-Eat too make gains. Not cutting, not bulking, not re-compositioning... just fueling the machine you want to make work good.
-Get a shitload of protein and creatin in your body daily.
-Squat volumes. KF didn't wake up one morning with a 475lbs paused squat. He got it up there with 5x8 if i remember well. And those 8s were not really eights, they looked more like 8x1 clusters.
-Repeat with inhuman motivation and dedication till kingdom comes.
-Kingdom does come.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3669 on: April 24, 2017, 09:25:00 pm »
^Great post vag. I think the most important message there is you need to eat to facilitate your training, not the other way around.

Didn't see the vid max. I wasn't aware I had to be monitoring your journal 24/7! Can you just PM me the link?

Edit: I just signed up to IG. This better be the best 36'' video I've ever seen.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 10:26:19 pm by acole14 »


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chasing athleticism (day #4/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3670 on: April 24, 2017, 11:48:52 pm »
Bodyweight: 78.6kg
Activity: 7785 (2352)
Soreness: Hamstrings, lats, forearms

Finally training dayyy. Mate asked to fill-in last night and i was super tempted but training today would have been compromised so i passed it up. Thinking i shud start doing 45 degree back extensions again as my second back xtn workout of the week instead of just 1 per week with the 0 degree. The reason i say that, i think i had good glute development when i did the 45s + sprinting a few months ago. In any case im doing RDLs now so hopefully I have all bases covered now.

BS 1x120(paused), 5x100(paused), 6Bx100(paused), 6x90(paused)
RDL 12x120(PR), 10x120
Hill sprints 5x30s (awesome; felt very explosive/powerful on first 2. but during the 4th rep i felt performance gone down and it didnt come back up)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 11:52:31 am by maxent »
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chasing athleticism (day #5/345) -- A beast in a year
« Reply #3671 on: April 25, 2017, 11:14:26 pm »
Bodyweight: 79.6kg (yikes)
Soreness: traps (!), hams, quads, lats

Well im happy with the results so far in that ive gotten stronger and put on some muscle. But along has come some fat and the eating for performance thing is a bit too openended. It wont end well, i can see me getting up to mid 80kgs moving some okayish weights but having 10kg excess fat to to lose, not that keen on that situation.

Looking at my sig goals, hopefully i can get the ohp one (60kg worksets) this week. Bench is the one lagging, squats are already there more or less. Then i shud just get htat 10% out of the way. We'll see tho.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 01:29:50 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3672 on: April 26, 2017, 02:37:17 am »
Well that was a pretty good vid. How'd you measure it?

Just my opinion but I don't like the way you drop down from your paused position, it's loading the the lumbar spine in flexion, which is not great if you can avoid it. Also a bit of squat morning on those heavy attempts but I guess you know that. I have no doubt you can get to 42'' in a year but you gotta watch the back!

Well im happy with the results so far in that ive gotten stronger and put on some muscle. But along has come some fat and the eating for performance thing is a bit too openended. It wont end well, i can see me getting up to mid 80kgs moving some okayish weights but having 10kg excess fat to to lose, not that keen on that situation.

Deal with that when it comes and you want to peak. T0ddday has given you great advice for that stage over the years throughout this journal. Without the muscle gains on those chicken legs of yours, you won't sniff 42'' regardless!

Yesterday was one of those days which changes everything. Playing pickup with my mate was a game changer. He's 6'6" about 115kg and he blocked the shit out of me on a drive from behind, aka lebron james. I have work to do. Want to be a lean 85-90kg playing against him and holding my own. So um, if you had to add 40kg to your paused squat workset, how wud you do it? Asking for a friend.. haha.

That should not be a game-changer. Putting 40kgs on your back squat will not stop that. Anything happening to you from behind on the court is awareness and body position. It's the same as when you get stripped from behind after you drive past someone and they tap the ball out behind your back: in the absence of extreme speed gains, you have to get your body between the ball and the defender to stop that happening. Same with getting blocked from behind. Get your body in the way so they can only foul, or reverse it. You can dunk easily with your current vertical and height, so why not make those open layups --> open dunks or unblockable finger rolls at the rim? That's pure skills practice, one dribble layups from the 3-pt line, nothing weights will do for you there. On top of that, everyone, including LeBron, gets blocked from behind occasionally, but they'll go hard at the rim the very next play. It's nothing to get one shot blocked in a whole game ...unless you let it affect you mentally.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3673 on: April 26, 2017, 05:21:52 am »
Well that was a pretty good vid. How'd you measure it?

Thanks! My measurement is crude but here is how it works, i have a 98" reach (say), so 22" gets me to the rim (120"). So rim touches below fingertip  + 22" gives my vertical inches. A 40" vertical corresponds to touches around the elbow joint (22"+18"). And based on that a couple of inches above is 36" or more. Using this 36" is kinda conservative and i'm prob a bit higher but measurement error aside im okay with working with a starting value of 36" and 40" will be more definitive though when I achieve it.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 05:30:19 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3674 on: April 26, 2017, 07:18:14 am »
i would give a year of my life to have a 98" reach.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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