Author Topic: chasing athleticism  (Read 1273791 times)

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4605 on: January 20, 2019, 09:38:30 pm »
Lately i've been watching Ben Simmons play. He will drive into the middle and then just turn his back while still driving and backing down his defender and then make a move to score. I think i can kinda do that but not sure how it would against a zone, probably need pretty decent handles to do it without picking up my dribble and come in on an angle . Been trying to practice a little in pickup but the (really shit) guards hold the ball too much so i don't get much practice. Plus they won't give me the ball at the top cos they think i should be inside to collect their rebounds instead :). It's only recently i've realised you have to treat the guards like they're children and just out-alpha them and demand the ball from them at all times, til they earn their your respect and can handle it more. I think i need a pass first guard because im a pass first forward so the ball moving around is my ideal thing because it's not going to die in my hands but it usually does in theirs. Like i'd happily pass the ball back to the same guard who just passed it to me, even straight away just to keep the ball flowing.  Really weird but power games are everywhere in life you don't get to opt out just because of some belief in equality lol. Guards and forwards aren't equals, we look down on them  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

I think i understand what kind of player you are, the bouncy rebound magnet close to the rim. Im not that guy. Even when i can outreach the defenders around me for rebounds for put backs (not dunks) i seldom finish them cleanly cos it's just so unnatural to me to play that role. But nowadays i try to be more patient and get the defender to bite and just finish with some contact but moving for a clean shot. It seems to open up my game to have a bit more patience and just go against my natural instincts and im enjoying that growth so far.

I need to be more aggressive but i just don't wanna seem aggressive. Is that possible?

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Re: chasing athleticism - summer 19
« Reply #4606 on: January 20, 2019, 09:40:35 pm »
Bodyweight(AM): 85.7kg (21 Jan)
Diet compliance: 1/1 days
Daily Squat: 65/65 days
Daily Cardio: 65/65 days
Basketball skill work:


  BS 6x120, 1x155
  OHP 5x60, 5x57.5, 8x55
  BX 11x85B(PR)

  Slow run - 5.21km, 35:49, 06:52/km pace  

  • Going to try do an upper body workout today if the body is willing
  • Another bad squat day smh. the funny guy with the beard from the hangover was using the rack i usually use. Technically he wasn't even using it, just outside the rack doing 60kg deadlifts between 30kg bench and cable row complexes .. so another wasted workout. And to add insult to injury cos i used the other rack, my form was wack and im pretty sure the depth of my 155kg was suspect but it felt ridiculously easy that i could have repped it. Not that i would care because it didn't feel like a honest rep. The PT have scribbled advertising copy all over the mirror infront of this rack and it throws off my form as does just everything else feeling different. I might have even scrubbed it out but the manager guy who already doesn't like me (i get the feeling b/c on my first day at the gym i walked in flipflops and he had a go at me saying do you have shoes? i told him i did and since then we've been aloof with each other because it was completely unprovoked for him to not just wait a few minutes to see if i was going to train in flipflops). today he would just take the opportunity to start an argument if i wiped off the mirror, so i wasn't feeling like it was worth it today.  After that i thought id wait til my usual rack got free and he did eventually move on but by then i'd gone cold and just couldnt be bothered anymore. I had a good run until recently and now i just cant string together 2 good days of training ha
  • And just in case i needed the reminder, got some casual racism today .. must be australia day weekend coming up..
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 09:45:19 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4607 on: January 20, 2019, 10:02:13 pm »
Lately i've been watching Ben Simmons play. He will drive into the middle and then just turn his back while still driving and backing down his defender and then make a move to score. I think i can kinda do that but not sure how it would against a zone, probably need pretty decent handles to do it without picking up my dribble and come in on an angle . Been trying to practice a little in pickup but the (really shit) guards hold the ball too much so i don't get much practice. Plus they won't give me the ball at the top cos they think i should be inside to collect their rebounds instead :). It's only recently i've realised you have to treat the guards like they're children and just out-alpha them and demand the ball from them at all times, til they earn their your respect and can handle it more. I think i need a pass first guard because im a pass first forward so the ball moving around is my ideal thing because it's not going to die in my hands but it usually does in theirs. Like i'd happily pass the ball back to the same guard who just passed it to me, even straight away just to keep the ball flowing.  Really weird but power games are everywhere in life you don't get to opt out just because of some belief in equality lol. Guards and forwards aren't equals, we look down on them  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

I think i understand what kind of player you are, the bouncy rebound magnet close to the rim. Im not that guy. Even when i can outreach the defenders around me for rebounds for put backs (not dunks) i seldom finish them cleanly cos it's just so unnatural to me to play that role. But nowadays i try to be more patient and get the defender to bite and just finish with some contact but moving for a clean shot. It seems to open up my game to have a bit more patience and just go against my natural instincts and im enjoying that growth so far.

I need to be more aggressive but i just don't wanna seem aggressive. Is that possible?

My play honestly depends on how fit I am. Fairly out of shape like right now I'll stay close to the rim or even be lazy and hang on the outside for a few possession to get my breath back. Fully fit and I'm more of that cutting/driving player who will still go hard on the boards. I haven't had a jump shot the last few years so I've really been limited. If you can shoot then you're so much more valuable and shouldn't be limited to the post.

You can be aggressive without being aggressive. I'm not an aggressive person but am an aggressive player. Don't know if that's what you meant.

Btw, not sure if you've seen these podcasts. Really interesting episode:

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4608 on: January 21, 2019, 04:52:56 am »
Thinking about starting the daily upper training soonish for a change of pace and an effort to restore balance to my training/body. Im leaning towards ohp as my exercise. Only because i can just do it after squats and not have to find a bench etc. It seems relatively simple an exercise to master technically and would be cool to get a milestone like 90kg or something just from greasing the groove and all that neural high freq stuff.  I've noticed lately my abs have blown the fuck up .. ive always had good ab development but that was the upper quadrant or whatever, now i can feel the rest of my abs just as prominently - i'd attribute this to the higher rep squatting. And it's not just cosmetic, I haven't done an OHP workout in like 11 days, today i did ohp 5x60kg out of the blue, so it's not like i've trained up my upper body for it (i seldom do upper body, like 2x a month), just can put it down to a stronger core from higher rep squats
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Re: chasing athleticism - summer 19
« Reply #4609 on: January 21, 2019, 09:00:01 pm »
Bodyweight(AM): 86.5kg (21 Jan)
Diet compliance: 2/2 days
Daily Squat: 66/66 days
Daily Cardio: 66/66 days
Basketball skill work:


  BS 6x120, 3x150, 1x162.5(PR), 15x122.5(PR)
  BX 12x85kg(+band, PR)

   Bike - 20 mins 
   Row - 20 mins

  • Right onto  the remaining 7 days of gaaaains, then time to lock down caloric intake.
  • I manned the the fuck up and went for a lifetime heavy squat max  PR - only 2.5kg but i got it. It was a toughie. Not sure im much stronger than a 162.5kg despite what the 1rm calculators would have you believe, im not even close to a 170kg leave alone 180kg squat. Thas life. It may well be that instead of aiming to be a 85kg athlete i shud be aiming for something like 83.5kg instead. Which is fine, i mean there is no reason why everyone must fit into neat weight class categories like 85kg or 105kg or whatever, you know? So i'm the best at 83.5kg - just embrace it. Feels like a cop out tho.   
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 10:25:27 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4610 on: January 22, 2019, 01:32:13 am »
with OHP just be very careful of your shoulder (obviously). lot of little muscles in there that get stressed out very easily.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4611 on: January 22, 2019, 03:08:39 am »
with OHP just be very careful of your shoulder (obviously). lot of little muscles in there that get stressed out very easily.

i think that's a real concern. but lifting dogma also says smaller muscles recover the fastest. maybe it's not even the muscles that we should be worried about but ligaments and tendons?  i have no idea to be honest, i'll be conservative and see how it goes. if it's not working then bail on it and do something else.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4612 on: January 22, 2019, 09:16:04 pm »
Got the first good night of sleep in what feels like MONTHS. I'm trying to do a posthoc analysis of what variables I changed yesterday which led to this phenomenon. Here is a rough list of vars:

- Took a ton of L-glutamine before bed (around 17.5g cos i took a bigger heap on the 2nd spoonful; usually around 10-15g total)
- Ate oats a couple of hours earlier (maybe digesting this is something you don't want too close to bed? Not sure tbh)
- Ate more calories but spread out more during the day
- Didn't run (lol .. running better not be killing my sleep or else) and did bike and rowing as cardio last night
-  ??

Feel refreshed af .. not as sore and beat up as usual. Interesting.. watch this space. going to try replicate the good variable whichever it is (or the mix)
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Re: chasing athleticism - summer 19
« Reply #4613 on: January 22, 2019, 09:40:43 pm »
Bodyweight(AM): 87.3kg (22 Jan)
Diet compliance: 3/3 days
Daily Squat: 67/67 days
Daily Cardio: 67/67 days
Basketball skill work:


  BS 6x120, 2x152.5


  • A day after i decide I need to weigh 83.5kg to be optimal as an athlete, ofc I tip the scales at 87.3kg (!) . loool. 6 more days of gains ..  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 03:52:43 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4614 on: January 23, 2019, 05:08:05 am »
Woah. Struggle squats! Looks like i did a fantastic job destroying my spinal erectors yesterday with that 150kg triple, 162.5kg PR and 15x122.5kg PRs. So now im at hte mercy of lower back recovery which in the olden days would take me a full week to occur. Today i was able to rep 152.5kg so in some sense ive got more than partial recovery already but it's probably not enough for what i had in mind for the next 6 days  (PRs every day lol).  In hindsight i prob should not have tried to make the move towards 160kg just yet but it would have been nice to be putting 160kg on a daily maintenance so all things considered it was worth a shot, just didn't work out.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4615 on: January 24, 2019, 11:28:58 pm »
Woah. Struggle squats! Looks like i did a fantastic job destroying my spinal erectors yesterday with that 150kg triple, 162.5kg PR and 15x122.5kg PRs. So now im at hte mercy of lower back recovery which in the olden days would take me a full week to occur. Today i was able to rep 152.5kg so in some sense ive got more than partial recovery already but it's probably not enough for what i had in mind for the next 6 days  (PRs every day lol).  In hindsight i prob should not have tried to make the move towards 160kg just yet but it would have been nice to be putting 160kg on a daily maintenance so all things considered it was worth a shot, just didn't work out.

still f$kd up. did a recovery workout yesterday with the empty bar lol. Abs still ded today. But tmr im going to just go for a PR. Lesson is don't mess with too heavy weights, it costs valuable training time and sets progress back
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Re: chasing athleticism - summer 19
« Reply #4616 on: January 28, 2019, 03:30:26 am »
Bodyweight(AM): 88kg (26 Jan)
Diet compliance: 0/0 days
Daily Squat: 70/70 days
Daily Cardio: 0/0 days
Basketball skill work:


  BS 6x120, 3x152.5, 15x125(PR)


  • Last big squat session for the summer done.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 03:35:02 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism - summer 19
« Reply #4617 on: January 28, 2019, 05:08:54 am »
Bodyweight(AM): 86.7kg (28 Jan)
Diet compliance: 0/0 days
Daily Squat: 72/72 days
Daily Cardio: 0/0 days
Basketball skill work:


  BS 5x120, 1x150


  • Being cautious and just trying to find a new normal
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4618 on: February 04, 2019, 02:40:20 am »
Bodyweight(AM): 88.3kg (4 Feb)
Diet compliance: 0/0 days
Daily Squat: 79/79 days
Daily Cardio: 0/0 days
Basketball skill work:

 TM Run - 15 mins, 1.8km 

  BS 6x120, 1x150, 6x142.5(PR)
  OHP 8x40, 6x50, 2x60, 1x62.5, 1x65, 7x55

  Run 3km, 21:06, 07:04/km

  • Wow i got fat af.  :wowthatwasnutswtf: Time to mount a mini come back
  • I must admit not running has made running feel good again. My feet feel springy and meaty, the rest from running has done me wonders even though fitness has gone, i was doing a 150-160bpm HR on a 7/km pace lmao, used to be low 130s for that. But learning from my past experience with daily running, I prob overdid it before by marrying myself to daily running, not falling into that trap again .. less is more
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 10:32:55 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4619 on: February 04, 2019, 10:30:57 pm »
Bodyweight(AM): 88.0kg (5 Feb)
Diet compliance: 1/1 days
Daily Squat: 80/80 days
Daily Cardio: 1/1 days
Basketball skill work:

  TM Run - 20 mins, 2.7km 

   BS 6x120, 1x150, 6x145(PR)
   OHP 8x40, 6x50, 2x60, 1x65, 1x67.5
   Dips 12xBW

   Run 5km, 32:53

  • Im doing daily upper training, today will be the 4th day. The idea is to eventually balance out my weight training because i've emphasised lower body over upper body training til now. If daily training can do for my upper body what it has done for lower, i'll prob end up athletic 85kg around Easter:  upper newbie /memory gains + daily training + cardio + 170kg ish squat = win.
  • So ive been on only 100mg caffeine preworkout for 10 days now and being htat it is day 80 of daily squatting, i'd previously been taking 300mg caffeine preworkout for a few months - which is to say 100mg is barely even noticable in this context. im basically getting these recent PRs in a state of low arousal: exogenous or endogenous. I'd put it down to daily training .. it's quite remarkable really.   
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 07:48:46 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.