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Messages - LBSS

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 30, 2009, 09:21:45 pm »
Warm up
the usual

Squat 3x5x235
Bench 3x5x170
DL 4x320...son of a BITCH! These all sucked and while I got the fourth rep up, it barely counts because I forced it up through sheer pissed-offness

Cool down
stretch x10'

Squats felt great, bench felt meh, DL still feels like crap. I was trying straps for the first time, but I don't think that was it. Well, I'm just gonna keep progressing on the others and leave the DL at 320 until I can get five reps.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 29, 2009, 11:38:47 pm »
Alright, after a too-long break for Thanksgiving, family, overeating like crazy (gained four pounds at dinner alone on Thanksgiving day, not including hors d'oeuvres or dessert), etc., tomorrow it's back to work.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 25, 2009, 11:24:04 pm »
Tried to test vert today but forgot shorts at home. Gave it a shot anyway but I wasn't focused at all. Warmed up, took the recommendation of a paper I read recently and did two sets of five CMJ's with 7.5# dbs in each hand, ample rest. Then I stepped on the mat and my best effort was...28.5". Weak. A PR, but still I feel like I should/could be jumping so much higher. I just peaced out after that and will try again tomorrow with a proper workout afterward.

Any tips on warming up for the jump attempts? I know the iso stim thing works but my gym doesn't have one of those machines. A regular GHR might work, though.

well, the iso stim stuff works ya, but, i'd go with just amping up on some caffeine.. ;0

caffeine works so damn good, i would use it once a week to make sure certain jump sessions were never stale..

pre jump workouts ive seen these things work good (after a really good warmup):
- caffeine
- iso ext stim
- heavy db swings for ~3 reps
- med ball scoop tosses
- 18" dj's

the med ball/iso/db swings i would complex with the VJ's.. i dont think you should complex the DJ's with the VJ's..

so any of those, ive seen vj get boosted up..

peace man

Good advice, I'll give that stuff a try. Maybe the heavy DB/KB swings. Also this trainer at my gym has a vertimax thing, which could also work. Kind of a pain to set up, though, and I can only do it when there's no one playing basketball. Whatever.

Fuck Ohio State.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 23, 2009, 07:07:07 pm »
Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row.

I freaking hate Ohio State. They have won six straight games against Michigan, always within 2 days of my birthday. What makes you think I'm a fan?!?!?!? I went to Michigan because I wanted to get the hell out of Maryland for a while (lived my whole life there). Plus it's a great school and everything. Good choice, I loved it there, even with the cold.

And yeah, the UM-Ohio State rivalry is just awesome. People go nuts for a whole week beforehand and then it pretty much dictates the mood on campus for weeks afterward. Although I have to say, the best rivalry in American sports is UNC-Duke basketball. My mom went to Duke and my dad went to UNC, so I got in on that one as a baby and nothing else gets me fired up like my Blue Devils whupping on the Heels (yeah, yeah, mama's boy, whatever ;D). And nothing crushes me like Carolina winning. In other words, it's been a really, really bad year for me as a sports fan.

  • Duke getting blown out in the NCAA tourney
  • UNC winning the title
  • Michigan losing to OSU for the sixth year in a row
  • Michigan missing out on a bowl for the second year in a row for the first time since like 1963
  • Redskins sucking ass
  • Dan Snyder still the owner of the Skins
  • Wizards one of the worst teams in the NBA in 08-09
  • Wizards still mediocre despite getting semi-healthy again
  • At least we have the Caps, but then again, Pittsburgh won the title last year so F that

I think I should take up stamp collecting or something.

EDIT: That might sound a lil bit harsh. Not intentional. I just get a bit hyped about my teams, you see.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 23, 2009, 07:05:59 pm »
Tried to test vert today but forgot shorts at home. Gave it a shot anyway but I wasn't focused at all. Warmed up, took the recommendation of a paper I read recently and did two sets of five CMJ's with 7.5# dbs in each hand, ample rest. Then I stepped on the mat and my best effort was...28.5". Weak. A PR, but still I feel like I should/could be jumping so much higher. I just peaced out after that and will try again tomorrow with a proper workout afterward.

Any tips on warming up for the jump attempts? I know the iso stim thing works but my gym doesn't have one of those machines. A regular GHR might work, though.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 23, 2009, 11:47:46 am »
Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row.

I freaking hate Ohio State. They have won six straight games against Michigan, always within 2 days of my birthday. What makes you think I'm a fan?!?!?!? I went to Michigan because I wanted to get the hell out of Maryland for a while (lived my whole life there). Plus it's a great school and everything. Good choice, I loved it there, even with the cold.

And yeah, the UM-Ohio State rivalry is just awesome. People go nuts for a whole week beforehand and then it pretty much dictates the mood on campus for weeks afterward. Although I have to say, the best rivalry in American sports is UNC-Duke basketball. My mom went to Duke and my dad went to UNC, so I got in on that one as a baby and nothing else gets me fired up like my Blue Devils whupping on the Heels (yeah, yeah, mama's boy, whatever ;D). And nothing crushes me like Carolina winning. In other words, it's been a really, really bad year for me as a sports fan.

  • Duke getting blown out in the NCAA tourney
  • UNC winning the title
  • Michigan losing to OSU for the sixth year in a row
  • Michigan missing out on a bowl for the second year in a row for the first time since like 1963
  • Redskins sucking ass
  • Dan Snyder still the owner of the Skins
  • Wizards one of the worst teams in the NBA in 08-09
  • Wizards still mediocre despite getting semi-healthy again
  • At least we have the Caps, but then again, Pittsburgh won the title last year so F that

I think I should take up stamp collecting or something.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 21, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »
Yeah but I fucking WENT to Michigan, so I still have to watch the games. Painful. Just painful. And my NFL team is the Skins, so basically this year sucks.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 21, 2009, 05:46:47 pm »
Workout was a bit weird today. I was drunk as hell last night (my birthday) and then Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row. So I was kind of depressed and low-energy. Forced myself to go to the gym anyway, didn't really do much of a warm-up, and then, well...went off script a bit.

squats 3x5x195
OHP 5x95 (about here is where I said screw this)
jump squat 4x4x95 supersetted with
pull ups 4x5xbw (third set I climbed a 15' rope w/o legs instead)

Russian twist 3x30 (60 touches), 30" rest

Cool down

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:49:43 am »
Workout last night:

Foam roll upper legs x20 minutes

Yes, this counts as a workout. At least, it was harder than the rest of my workouts have been this week. It's really interesting to notice the difference between pain and tightness when I roll my right (dominant) leg versus my left (weaker) leg. The right one hurts so much more; I actually can barely roll out the VMO (teardrop muscle). I have to take some weight off it or it hurts too much. But it feels awesome afterwards and if I keep it up the tension should go down a lot.

Also, this morning I woke up and had a strange urge to try a one-armed pushup. Never done one before, but I got it! Right arm only, left was a fail. Still, was kind of a nice surprise.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 19, 2009, 12:35:30 am »
Warm up
stationary bike x10'

squat 3x5x195
bench 3x5x155
DL 5x270

Cool down
stretch but definitely bs'd it, not sure why. now i'm up way too late and gotta go to bed.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:53:03 pm »
Workout -- cardio and core

Warm up

Row x15' (~3200m)
Stationary bike x10'
Row x5' (~1250m)

Core x3
T push-up x10 (5/side)
Russian twist x15 (30 touches)
Pallof press x10/sidex50#
Chin-ups x5 (need to start doing more of these because I've gotten worse at them in the past couple of months)

Cool down
foam roll legs and low back (hooooooooly shit I need to get back into doing this regularly cause it hurt like a mother, especially my right IT band and quad)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:46:24 am »
no heartburn this time?  ;D

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:04:06 pm »

Warm up
as usual

Squat 3x5x195
OHP 3x5x105
Pull ups 3x5
Chin ups x5

Cool down


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:52:39 pm »
nice, hope you get some goods gains on vert during this upcoming deload!

Thanks man. I'm hoping for 30" but we'll see. Workout today:

Warm up
abbreviated varsity warm-up
leg swings

Tempo run (1=100yards, 2=200y, +=40s rest, pace 20s/100y)

Core circuit x3
pushups x15
crunches x30
side crunches x15 each
supermans x15


Tempo run was niiiice and easy, 20s/100y is a leisurely pace even for the likes of me. But it felt great, got the heart rate up and the blood pumping.

EDIT: the total volume for the tempo run was 2200m.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:32:46 pm »
Warm up
as usual

Squat 3x5x245
Bench 3x5x175
Dead lift 3x320 FAIL: did these as singles and could not get the fourth rep off the floor without form going to shit
Pallof press 2x10/sidex60
Bunch of pullups, rows, inverted rows scattered throughout

Cool down

These all felt hard, except the second set of bench presses. Time for a deload after pretty much a month straight of linear gains. Starting Monday I'm dropping back down to the weights I started with, then I'll test standing vert before ramping back up the following week.

EDIT: I finally sucked it up and ordered straps, so my DL can keep going up without me having to worry about grip.

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