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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1395 on: March 31, 2019, 11:18:17 am »
Date: 31/03/2019
Soreness: my entire legs were sore, hips, hams,quads,calves little

Condition: It was cold and windy. No blue sky anywhere. Got to the gym at 11:15am, finished at 1pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   dynamic calf stretch
   walking calf stretch
   walking quad stretch
   lunge quad stretch
   glute bridges single and double
   cable was used so did high knee hip holds /w kettlebell on foot x 20 seconds 15kg
   back stretch - front and back
   acole's squat stretch

Plyometric Work/ Explosive drill (whatever you call it)    
   reverse lunge to explosive concentric movement holding 5kg dumbbells in each hand
   explosive steps each leg x 5
   single leg box jumps x 3 each leg

Track Warm up
   A walk x 20m
   A skip x 20m
   A run x 20m
   Alternating high knee drills x 30m
   Psoas stretch
   Sprint starts to first step

   4 x 10m sprint starts @1 min rest between

   3 x 30m acceleration sprints @3-5 min rest between

   3 x 50m sprints @5 min between

Gym Workout
   Kettle bell swings
      - 1 x 5 @6kg
      - 2 x 10 @16kg

   Standing Vert Jumps x 5
      - 23, 23, 22, 22, 21

Cool down
   walk back

It was a good session, the runs felt ok, but a strange thing happened. Maybe it was the stretch acole suggested or the step ups or a combination when I go into start stance, I am getting my hips more taller and I am looking between between my feet rather than straight down and first few runs this felt weird but it was a good start as I could bring my knees more further. So after a few runs I got used to it, but I recorded my 10m sprints and I am quite happy with the form, especially getting my knees up was sticking point for me. 50m sprints I was tired so my legs were weak so I was running it just for the training and pushing it. Also when passing the finishing line I try to slow down carefully as it can affect my back if when slowing down I start hyper extending and slowing down.

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Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1396 on: April 02, 2019, 12:24:33 pm »
Date: 02/04/2019
Soreness: legs, back (a little)

Condition: It was raining and the gym wasn't that busy. Got to the gym at 11:30am, but because of the 1hr forward, I get more time in the gym, so finished at 2:30pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretches
   hamstring stretch seated
   quad stretch bench
   lying hamstring stretch
   lunge quad stretch
   bench glute bridges - single and double
   hip thrusts - single and double
   high knee hip holds x 20 seconds /w thigh strap @50kg
   back stretch - front and back
   squat support stretches

Pre Workout Treadmill Run
   23km/h @15% incline sprints
      - 5-6,4 seconds without holding
      - 10 seconds holding

   Partial Squats
      - 1 x 5 @60kg serve as a warm up for the box squats, was going to do deep squats, but didn't want to risk a painful low back, which can transfer to box squats.

   Box Squats
      - 1 x 3 @100kg
      - 1 x 3 @140kg
      - 3 x 7 @160kg

   Single leg Calf raises on edge of plate more forefoot than side
      - 3 x 10 @40kg

   Stiff Leg Deadlifts (no rest between reps, so just quick down and then up)
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 4 @100kg
      - 3 x 7,6,5 @120kg

   Prayer break

   Step Ups to high knee and on balls of foot
      - 2 x 5 each side @20kg dumbbells in each hand

   Back extensions 45 degrees using bench
      - 1 x 10 @bw /w 1 min hold on last rep

   dumbbell bent over rows using bench
      - 1 x 8 @8kg kettlebells
      - 2 x 8 @20kg dumbbells in each hand

   Cable core rotations
      - 2 x 10 each side @20kg

Cool down
   walk back

It was a good workout, the box squats was comfortably easy, but as the sets progress it got a little difficult but still comfortably doable until last rep I almost struggled but managed. Quads were fried from this and not the back lol. Calf raises were ok went a little light as to ensure I am more forefooted in my calf raises rather than moving on to the side of my feet. Step ups were comfortable but challenging for quads but they really do help. Others were ok.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1397 on: April 03, 2019, 12:53:28 am »

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I think the stiff legged deadlifts and BSS you doing are the right look because you don't go the full range of motion with your legs on accelerations and strengthening your hamstrings at more extreme ROM is the way to fix that.

However, the real problem IMO is your arm movement range of motion is really limited, there is no power in it to counterbalance the legs. Also, the arms set the pace of the legs, and the legs match the cycling of the arms. If there is a disbalance between the two, both are going to suffer.

So I think one thing to not forget is gettting your upper body up to strength via rows, pullups and bench.


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1398 on: April 03, 2019, 05:16:12 am »

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<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I think the stiff legged deadlifts and BSS you doing are the right look because you don't go the full range of motion with your legs on accelerations and strengthening your hamstrings at more extreme ROM is the way to fix that.

However, the real problem IMO is your arm movement range of motion is really limited, there is no power in it to counterbalance the legs. Also, the arms set the pace of the legs, and the legs match the cycling of the arms. If there is a disbalance between the two, both are going to suffer.

So I think one thing to not forget is gettting your upper body up to strength via rows, pullups and bench.

I def agree with you in regards to the full range of motion during acceleration and I have this problem for a long time. But makes sense what you said about hamstring strength at extreme roms just clicked thanks.

Also true I neglect the upperbody, so that's why at the end of every leg workout I do an upper body workout, where I cycle every week shoulder press, bench press, bent over dumbbell rows. But also will be adding arm sprint swings every speed session.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1399 on: April 04, 2019, 11:33:50 am »
Date: 04/04/2019
Soreness: none
BW: scale is back: 68.3kg

Condition: Really windy outside, Thursday is always a quick day, but I manage to get the workout done in the time.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   hamstring stretch
   quad stretch - bench
   lying hamstring
   glute bridges
   back stretch
   squat stretches

Pre Workout Treadmill Run
   23km/h @15% incline - few seconds without holding

   Full depth squats
      - 1 x 1 @20kg
      - 1 x 1 @40kg
      - 1 x 1 @60kg

   Partial Squats
      - 1 x 5 @100kg
      - 3 x 7,7,8 @120kg

   Single leg calf raises on leg press
      - 3 x 15 @ 110kg

   Single leg RDL/deadlifts
      - 1 x 7 each leg @30kg dumbbell on same side arm
      - 1 x 7 each leg @30kg dumbbell on opposite side arm

   Single leg Back Extension at 90 degree (bench is set almost upright) using a cable
      - 1 x 10 each leg @30kg

   Step ups on to a box (legs are a little over 90 degrees)
      - 2 x 5 each leg @15kg dumbbells in each hand

   bent over dumbbell rows
      - 2 x 10 each arm @20kg dumbbells

   Cable core rotations
      - 1 x 10

Cool down
   walk back

The treadmill not as good as tuesday a little bit shorter in duration. Squats were good, 60kg felt good for my back, a little struggle going up. But happy with back.
The rest were meh. Also the back extension, I wanted to increase rom, by increasing angle from 45 degrees to near 90 degrees, 80. Then using cable to strengthen my hamstrings at that rom.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1400 on: April 05, 2019, 05:22:11 am »
   Full depth squats
      - 1 x 1 @60kg

   Partial Squats
      - 3 x 7,7,8 @120kg

This still doesn't compute. I know you explained it detailed, and i read carefully, and i understand what you're saying.
But still makes my brain explode to read that part of your log.
In my book, if a deep single with 60kg creates pain and form issues, you shouldn't even be unracking 120kg. Maybe i got too conservative because of age? Who knows.
What do other people think about that?
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1401 on: April 05, 2019, 09:42:52 am »
   Full depth squats
      - 1 x 1 @60kg

   Partial Squats
      - 3 x 7,7,8 @120kg

This still doesn't compute. I know you explained it detailed, and i read carefully, and i understand what you're saying.
But still makes my brain explode to read that part of your log.
In my book, if a deep single with 60kg creates pain and form issues, you shouldn't even be unracking 120kg. Maybe i got too conservative because of age? Who knows.
What do other people think about that?

There is no pain squatting 60kg deep. But with partials there is on the way down for first rep than no pain as with partial I want to descend properly. So I was thinking of using a box to squat down to touch and then back up. Less pain and more effective.

But yet I can box squat 160kg comfortably.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1402 on: April 06, 2019, 10:30:55 am »
Date: 06/04/2019
Soreness: inner knee a little, shins obv
BW: 68.2kg

Condition: As soon as I arrived, the car park was full up and I knew the track was going to be used for a competition and was closed off for training. Was planning a moderate load sled runs 20% bw for 30m. But had to opt for explosive plyometric work.

Warm up
   Ankle mobility
   Calf stretch - static and dynamic
   Hamstring stretch - seated and lying
   Quad stretch on bench
   Glute bridges - single and double
   Hip thrusts single and double
   High knee hip holds x 20 seconds @bw - cable was being used
   Back stretch - front and back

Pre workout treadmill run
   23km/h @15% incline - felt good for 5-6 seconds without holding

   full depth squats 1 x 3 @20kg

   ankle hops for height 3 x 7

   tuck jumps 3 x 10

   explosive step ups - jumping without switching legs
      - 2 x 5 each leg @5kg dumbbells in each hand
      - 1 x 5 each leg @bw

   box jumps
      - 1 x 5 on 35 inch box
      - 3 x 5 on 41 inch box

   depth jumps
      - 3 x 7 off 16 inch box on to 42 inch box comfortable
      - 1 x 0 off 16 inch box on to 46 inch box - just a little short

   kettle bell swings
      - 2 x 10 @16kg bells

Cool down
   walk back

it was a good session, shins sore a little after obviously. but when I was stretching to cool down, the scorpion stretch where you lay on your front and you rotate lower body and kick one leg back to stretch back but when I did it with my left leg so rotating my lower body to the right, my inner knee was hurting a little so I couldn't stretch it properly, hopefully it's just sore from the depth jumps and other plyo work. 41 inch box jump was comfortable and 42 depth jump too, I wanted to accomplish 46 inch but came up a little short. definitely doable after a few more training.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1403 on: April 09, 2019, 12:13:53 pm »
Date: 09/04/2019
Soreness: none
BW: 147.5lbs

Condition: It was raining outside. The gym was crowded so I had to find a little spot and lay my stretch mats. I got to the gym at 11:30am and finished at 2:30pm and still it was not enough time as a lot of time was wasted in trying to warm up in the crowd and waiting

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   hamstring stretch laying down single leg
   quad stretch
   seated hamstring stretch single leg
   single leg glute bridge and double leg
   single leg hip thrusts and double
   high knee hip holds x 20 seconds each leg and single rep knee lift
   back stretch front only - not enough space for back
   squat stretch
   empty bar deep squat

Pre workout treadmill run
   - 23km/h @15% incline for 4,3 seconds - mainly because I am very close so my elbow angle is very small.

   Box Squats
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 5 @100kg
      - 1 x 3 @140kg
      - 3 x 4,5,4 @180kg  :personal-record: 2.68*BW
      - Note: I was trying to convince myself to do 170kg, but I felt really good that I had to try 180kg and then I can stick with this for a few weeks.
      - 1 x 10 @140kg

   Step ups
      - 2 x 5 each leg @15kg dumbbells in each hand
   Single Leg calf raises on edge of weight plate (4")
      - 3 x 10 each leg @50kg

   Back Extension holding 15kg weight plate
      - 1 x 10 /w 30 seconds hold on last rep

   Prayer break 1:30pm to 1:50pm

   Stiff leg version RDL start from the floor
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 5 @100kg
      - 2 x 7 @120kg - felt good
      - 1 x 10 @100kg

   Shoulders to sore for pull ups

   Barbell shoulder press
      - 1 x 0 @60kg
      - 1 x 3 @40kg
      - 1 x 7 @30kg
   Cable Core Rotations
      - 1 x 10 each side @20kg

Cool down
   walk back

Good session. Box squats felt good but difficult but not grinding but heavy enough to make you rest on the box before going up. 180kg unracked very comfortably and easy and then once i sat down and started to go up it was a challenge but doable. The rest were good too.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1404 on: April 11, 2019, 10:46:34 am »
Date: 11/04/2019
Soreness: legs
BW: 151.4lbs

Condition: Very nice sunny day. gym was nice and not busy. wasted a lot of time thinking and talking.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   hamstring stretch
   quad stretch
   glute bridges single leg
   high knee hip holds x 10 seconds @50kg
   back stretch

Pre Workout treadmill run
   23km/h @15% incline - slightly getting used to the speed

   Low box squats touch and ascend
      - 2 x 7 @40kg - really hard as legs were weak
      - A lot of time wasted on experimenting how I could make this work, 60kg too heavy but at full depth squats I can just about do it.

   Step ups
      - 2 x 5 each leg @15kg dumbbells in each hand

   Single leg calf raises on leg press
      - 2 x 15 each leg @110kg

   single leg back extension at 80 degrees using joined cable
      - 2 x 7 each leg @100kg
      - quads were pressing against the edge of the bench so had to adjust might have to lighten load, attach belt around upper body, as arms not strong enough to keep pully near chest.

   Shoulder press dumbbells front and side
      - 1 x 7 each side @15kg dumbbell in each hand

   Cable core rotations
      - 1 x 10 each side @20kg

Cool down
   walk back

it was not good, still experimenting.       
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1405 on: April 13, 2019, 10:11:56 am »
Date: 13/04/2019
Soreness: quads super sore
BW: 151.2lbs

Condition: It was a mixed condition. As soon as I left the gym and stepped out side it started to rain and then hail and then both and then it was moderately windy and then towards the end it was sunny before going cold and raining again.  :uhhhfacepalm: It's a saturday so I was planning to get sled out, but cabin was locked and the group placed their equipment away after getting key from reception and locked up again.  :pissed:. Will have to bring my own 10kg plates.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   calf stretch walks
   hamstring stretch seated and lying down
   quad stretch on bench
   glute bridges single and double
   hip thrusts single and double
   fast explosive knee drives while leaning using cable @30kg each leg x 7
   same as above but instead drive leg back after bringing knees near chest x 7 each leg
   back stretch - front and back

Plyometric/explosive warm up
   reverse lunge off a 4 inch plate x 3 each leg @5kg dumbbells in each hand
   explosive step ups with knee at 90 degree on box x 5
   single leg box jumps onto 25" box x 3 each leg
   box jumps on to 30" box easily

Track Warm up
   a walk x 20m
   a skip x 20m
   a run x 20m
   alternating knee drills
   sprint starts to 1 step drill

   3 x 10m sprint starts
   2 x 30m sprints
   1 x 50m sprints

Gym Workout
   kettlebell swings
      - 2 x 10,15 @16kg
      - 3 x 21"

Cool down

Comment: My quads were sore, which got worse the more runs I did, which became very sore after the 1st 30m runs, I measured my second 30m runs just to see what I can run with sore quads, measured it to be 4.6 seconds. I had to do atleast 1 50m runs. Then did some svj's easily 21". Foam rolled my quads, right quad was the most sore. So a bad day, which I couldn't do anything I wanted.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1406 on: April 13, 2019, 02:50:44 pm »
It is so stressful to live in a family where you are the eldest and because of my dad's situation I am in charge and I have a younger sibling in his teens 15, who likes to annoy me and do what he likes and when you have to discipline him, it makes him angry and he starts threatening you with a knife. And the whole family trying to calm him down and he just comes towards me with the knife but I controlled it away from him and he just angry and thinks he is the victim. So much stress and I avoid saying I am not stressed unless it get's this bad. But my sister pacifies him with reward in return.
Too much stress for me to handle. How do you handle with such problematic siblings.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1407 on: April 14, 2019, 12:34:56 am »
It is so stressful to live in a family where you are the eldest and because of my dad's situation I am in charge and I have a younger sibling in his teens 15, who likes to annoy me and do what he likes and when you have to discipline him, it makes him angry and he starts threatening you with a knife. And the whole family trying to calm him down and he just comes towards me with the knife but I controlled it away from him and he just angry and thinks he is the victim. So much stress and I avoid saying I am not stressed unless it get's this bad. But my sister pacifies him with reward in return.
Too much stress for me to handle. How do you handle with such problematic siblings.

damn that's rough man. :/

reward doesn't sound like a good idea either. but ya, rough.


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1408 on: April 14, 2019, 04:08:11 am »
It is so stressful to live in a family where you are the eldest and because of my dad's situation I am in charge and I have a younger sibling in his teens 15, who likes to annoy me and do what he likes and when you have to discipline him, it makes him angry and he starts threatening you with a knife. And the whole family trying to calm him down and he just comes towards me with the knife but I controlled it away from him and he just angry and thinks he is the victim. So much stress and I avoid saying I am not stressed unless it get's this bad. But my sister pacifies him with reward in return.
Too much stress for me to handle. How do you handle with such problematic siblings.

damn that's rough man. :/

reward doesn't sound like a good idea either. but ya, rough.

Exactly. Reward just feeds into it. School environment and wanting to be cool thinking that it is in a gang
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1409 on: April 14, 2019, 08:26:00 am »
It is so stressful to live in a family where you are the eldest and because of my dad's situation I am in charge and I have a younger sibling in his teens 15, who likes to annoy me and do what he likes and when you have to discipline him, it makes him angry and he starts threatening you with a knife. And the whole family trying to calm him down and he just comes towards me with the knife but I controlled it away from him and he just angry and thinks he is the victim. So much stress and I avoid saying I am not stressed unless it get's this bad. But my sister pacifies him with reward in return.
Too much stress for me to handle. How do you handle with such problematic siblings.

that sucks man. my brother, the one who died last year, threatened to kill our dad at least once. had to physically restrain him. it was scary. no way to give any advice, really, not knowing you or your family. except, it might help to be honest with him, in a calm moment, about the stress that you feel. i'm sure he's stressed out, too, and he's showing it in a violent and shitty way. but maybe it comes from a place of genuine distress and it'd help to understand that he's not alone in it.

hope your brother calms down and grows into himself. good luck.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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